
There are a lot of hard kombucha brands on the market, but very few of them use organic ingredients, natural sugars, and an authentic fermentation process. ProBiot stands out by making a naturally sweetened, raw and organic hard kombucha product; allowing you to catch a buzz with a little less guilt in mind.

Packaging | 2023

Competitor Analysis

Whether it’s hard kombucha, other probiotic foods, or tea all the related brands showcase the key ingredients of their product in a gird like, colorful fashion accompanied by bold, friendly type.

When walking in a Sprouts or Whole Foods the color really pops out to the eye, but the gridded & minimal use of icons holds it back from looking like an explosion of vibrancy.

I decided to maximize the use of the vibrant brush styled icons; having the variety of ingredients wrap fully around the can in a chaotic yet fluid manner to stand out amongst competition.

Brand Elements

Final Packaging


Primal High


Trains Over Lanes